Welcome to the Integrated Signal Processing Group website!
We are a research group in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San Diego (UCSD).
We develop enabling technology for highly-integrated, high-performance, low-cost, communication systems. Our research involves the invention, development, analysis, and proof-of-principle integrated circuit (IC) implementation of key communication system blocks such as data converters and frequency synthesizers. The emphases of the research are on the development of new digital signal processing techniques and new digital-like analog circuits that exploit the strengths of advanced IC technology to mitigate the effects of non-ideal analog circuit behavior in mixed-signal (combined analog and digital) and radio frequency ICs. The techniques blur the traditionally-sharp analog-digital dividing lines in communication systems to overcome fundamental performance limitations of prior approaches.
For more information, click on the About, People, and Publications menu links above.